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Which Babies are Covered by NICA?

To be covered by the NICA plan each of these requirements must be met:

1) An obstetrician who attended the delivery must be a member of NICA at the time of the delivery;

2) The baby must be born alive and in a hospital;

3) The baby must have weighed at least 2500 grams at birth, which converts to 5.51156 pounds.    Alternatively, if the delivery involves multiple gestation, the baby must weigh at least 2000 grams, which converts to 4.409245 pounds.”

4) The baby must have suffered injury to the brain or spinal cord caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical trauma;

5) The injury must have occurred during labor, during delivery, or during resuscitation right after birth; and

6) The baby’s injury must include severe and permanent physical AND mental impairments (or death).

If you would like our free opinion on whether your baby may be covered by NICA please call or email us, or fill out our online form “Is my child covered?

If you believe your child may be covered by NICA, We are easy to talk to and would like to review your case.