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Federal Tort Claims Act

Answers to Your Medical Malpractice Questions

Federal Tort Claims Act

The Federal Tort Claims Act defines how individual citizens can hold the Federal Government accountable for its employees’ actions. Below you can find the text of the act.

§ 2671. Definitions

Read the full section here.

§ 2672. Administrative Adjustment of Claims

Read the full section here.

§ 2673. Reports to Congress

Read the full section here.

§ 2674. Liability of United States

Read the full section here.

§ 2675. Disposition by Federal Agency as Prerequisite; Evidence

Read the full section here.

§ 2676. Judgement as Bar

Read the full section here.

§ 2677. Compromise

Read the full section here.

§ 2678. Attorney Fees; Penalty

Read the full section here.

§ 2679. Exclusiveness of Remedy

Read the full section here.

§ 2680. Exceptions

Read the full section here.

You may have a lot of questions. We have tried to answer as many of those questions here. If you have any questions we didn’t answer or have other concerns we were not able to address, please contact us. We would be happy to help in any way we can.

Do you believe that you or a loved one have a case that would fall under the FTCA? Please let us review your case.