medical malpractice lawyers in florida
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How Do I Get My Medical Records?

In Florida, with very few exceptions, patients have a legal right to obtain copies of their medical records. In general, if the patient needs the records for continuing care, they should be provided free of charge. If the patient just wants to review them, or have their lawyer review them, the health care provider can charge for the copies. The amount of the charge is governed by law, and depends on the type of records being obtained and the number of pages. Patients also have a general right to look at the originals. These links will take you to more information about getting access to specific types of medical records.

We have been handling medical malpractice cases for over 30 years. We specialize in cases where patients have been catastrophically injured. Our goal and desire are to make Florida safer for patients and safer for anyone dealing with a medical issue.

If you believe you or a loved one have been the victim of medical malpractice, please let us know. We are easy to talk to and would like to review your case.