medical malpractice lawyers in florida
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How Long Will My Medical Malpractice Case Take?

The average time from beginning to end varies from city to city and state to state, usually ranging from one to six years. In most places, the average can take probably two to three years. A rare case can be settled in a few weeks or months. On occasion, a case could last a decade or more, including appeals. Ask your lawyer what the average length of time for a malpractice case in your area. No lawyer can promise you how long your specific case will take because no one can predict how the defendants will respond or whether there will be one or more appeals, or how quickly the judge will put the case on the trial docket.

Florida has a special law stating judges may give an earlier trial date for a person who is over the age of sixty-five, taking into consideration both their age and their medical condition.

If you believe you or a loved one have been the victim of medical malpractice, please let us know. We are easy to talk to and would like to review your case.