medical malpractice lawyers in florida
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Where Can I Find Medical Malpractice Cases?

The place attorneys usually go to find medical malpractice cases are the two largest paid legal research online services, known as Westlaw and Lexis Nexis.  Those sites allow malpractice lawyers to search appellate and supreme court malpractice cases from all 50 states.  In some instances, those sites also allow searching among a more limited database of state trial court orders and judgments. Each of the services also contains databases of reported medical malpractice case settlements and verdicts.

Since consumers do not normally have access to these paid legal research services, one of the things consumers could try is simply searching on Google or Bing, entering the name of the state you are interested in and the words “medical malpractice cases.”  This will not find all cases by any means, but it will certainly find information about some of the most significant cases.  Since malpractice laws are different in every state, you may get more relevant results when you include the state in which you are most interested.

If you believe you or a loved one have been the victim of medical malpractice, please let us know. We are easy to talk to and would like to review your case.