medical malpractice lawyers in florida
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Aggressive Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Orlando

If you have been injured while receive medical care for a doctor or other healthcare professional, you deserve compensation. Scott McMillen can help.

Mr. McMillen has dedicated his career to helping those injured by medical professionals. You trust doctors and other people in the healthcare industry to do what is best for you and improve your health. “First, do no harm” was the oath they took, and yet their mistakes have led to the injury and deaths of so many patients. If this happens to you or a loved one, it is your right to take legal action.

If your doctor or any other medical professional made a mistake that resulted in your injury or illness or the death of a loved one, Scott McMillen can help.

Mr. McMillen began his legal career as a hospital attorney, and then transitioned to representing plaintiffs (patients) and their families. He understands the devastation that occurs when a person is injured because of action or inaction on the part of a trusted medical professional.

Mr. McMillen and his team have handled a variety of medical malpractice cases, including:

  • Misdiagnosis
  • Negligence affecting pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Mistakes in prescribing or administering medication.
  • Surgical errors.
  • Malpractice involving emergency rooms.
  • Stroke care.

There are several other types of medical malpractice that could justify a medical malpractice lawsuit. If you believe you or a loved one was a victim of medical malpractice, it is important to speak to an attorney familiar with the medical industry.

Contact a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Orlando If You Have Been Injured by a Medical Professional

Scott McMillen specializes in medical malpractice cases and has more than 40 years of experience advocating for clients injured by medical professionals.

Mr. McMillen takes pride in obtaining fair compensation for his clients and for pursuing cases that result in improved patient safety. He understands that victims need money to help them cope with their medical bills and the losses they sustained when they were injured, but his ultimate goal is to make sure these things never happen again and that future patients are protected from harm when they invest their trust in a medical professional.

Mr. McMillen and his team are very selective in the cases they accept. They turn down an average of 300 cases per one they accept because making an impact is so important. As one of the leading causes of death in the United States, medical malpractice needs to be taken seriously and medical errors need to be prevented. Scott is willing to do his part to make this happen.

When you or a loved one have been injured by a mistake made by a medical professional, Scott McMillen has the experience and the resources to handle the case. His goal is to ensure what happened to you never happens to anyone again.

For more information or to schedule a consultation contact us at 800-974-4929  or fill out our online form.