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What Will NICA Pay For?

The law creating the program says it offers lifetime expenses for

“medically necessary and reasonable medical and hospital, habilitative and training, family residential or custodial care, professional residential, and custodial care and service, for medically necessary drugs, special equipment, and facilities, and for related travel.”

“Family residential or custodial care” means care normally rendered by trained professional attendants which is beyond the scope of child care duties, but which is provided by family members. Family members who provide nonprofessional residential or custodial care may not be compensated under this act for care that falls within the scope of child care duties and other services normally and gratuitously provided by family members. Family residential or custodial care shall be performed only at the direction and control of a physician when such care is medically necessary. Reasonable charges for expenses for family residential or custodial care provided by a family member shall be determined as follows:

(a) If the family member is not employed, the per-hour value equals the federal minimum hourly

(b) If the family member is employed and elects to leave that employment to provide such care, the per-hour value of that care shall equal the rates established by Medicaid for private duty services provided by a home health aide. A family member or a combination of family members providing care in accordance with this definition may not be compensated for more than a total of 10 hours per day. Family care is in lieu of professional residential or custodial care, and no professional residential or custodial care may be awarded for the period of time during the day that family care is being provided.”

Parents may also recover compensation for themselves of a one time cash award of up to $100,000, the sum of $10,000 for death benefits if the child dies, and attorneys fees and expenses for an attorney assisting the family in obtaining NICA benefits.

If you believe your child may be covered by NICA, We are easy to talk to and would like to review your case.