medical malpractice lawyers in florida
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$12 Million FTCA Medical Malpractice Recovery in South Florida

Attorneys Scott McMillen and Richard “Bo” Sharp obtained a medical malpractice settlement of $12 Million in an Obstetrical malpractice case against the United States Government under the Federal Tort Claims Act. It is believed that this settlement represents the largest FTCA medical malpractice settlement in Florida. In this case, a nurse midwife failed to recognize a medical emergency indicated by decelerations in an unborn baby’s fetal heart rate and also failed to notify the OBGYN of the emergency and request his assistance with delivery. As a result, the baby suffered severe hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) and severe ischemia (deprivation of blood) in the womb, resulting in the newborn baby to suffer from Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Cerebral Palsy, and Spastic Quadriplegia.  The United States was the defendant because the healthcare providers were employed by the federal government at the time.

If you have questions about a possible birth injury claim, please contact us for a free evaluation.

More Obstetrical Malpractice Birth Injury Information:
Read about Obstetrical Malpractice in Florida: Guide for parents.
Read about Florida’s No-fault system for certain types of birth injuries (NICA program).
Read about Florida Supreme Court striking down obstetrician’s “mandatory” patient arbitration agreement.
Read about new Florida law allowing C-sections outside of hospitals.
Read about Appellate court upholding baby weight distinctions in Florida’s NICA program.
Read about University of Miami Hospital being denied immunity under Florida’s NICA program.

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